ReactPy(Reactive user interfaces with pure Python)
Jhanvi Soni
Python, Development, React

ReactPy is a library for building user interfaces in Python without Javascript. ReactPy interfaces are made from components that look and behave similarly to ReactJS. Designed with simplicity in mind, ReactPy can be used by those without web development experience while also being powerful enough to grow with your ambitions.

To install ReactPy with pip : - pip install reactpy

To get a rough idea of how to write apps in ReactPy, take a look at the tiny “hello world” application below:

from reactpy import component, html, run

def App():

return html.h1("Hello, world!")


So what exactly does this code do? First, it imports a few tools from reactpy that will get used to describe and execute an application. Then, we create an App function which will define the content the application displays. Specifically, it displays a kind of HTML element called an h1 section heading. Importantly though, a @component decorator has been applied to the App function to turn it into a component. Finally, we run a development web server by passing the App component to the run() function.

The fastest way to get started with ReactPy is to try it out in a Juptyer Notebook. If you want to use a Notebook to work through the examples shown in this documentation, you’ll need to replace calls to with a line at the end of each cell that constructs the App().